M. Bae, T. Shimada, and S. K. Baek
Exact cluster dynamics of indirect reciprocity in complete graphs
Physical Revew E Vol. 110, L052301.
T. Shimada, F. Ogushi, J. Török, J. Kertész, and K. Kaski
A simple model of edit activity in Wikipedia
Physica A Vol. 630, 129253 (2023).
D. Kuroda, K. Kaski, and T. Shimada
Frustrated opinion dynamics on real networks and its predictors
Frontiers in Physics 11, 1166219 (2023).
Y. Park, T. Shimada, S.-W. Son, and H. J. Park
Invasion and interaction determine population composition in an open evolving ecological system
Chaos 33, 063151 (2023).
F. Ogushi and T. Shimada
Comparison of metrics for measuring Wikipedia ecology: characteristics of self-consistent metrics for editor scatteredness and article complexity
Artificial Life and Robotics Vol. 28, 62-66 (2023).
S. Nagumo, S. Ichiki, and T. Shimada
Analytical and simulational approaches to the relation between the stock market liquidity and the traders’ utility
Artificial Life and Robotics Vol. 27, 691-697 (2022).
R. Shirasaki, R. Tanaka, H. Takekata, T. Shimada, Y. Ishikawa, and A. Kamikouchi
Distinct decision-making properties underlying the species specificity of group formation of flies
Royal Society Open Science 9, 220042 (2022).
F. Ogushi, J. Kertész, K. Kaski, and T. Shimada
“ Ecology of the digital world of Wikipedia ”
Scientific Reports Vol. 11, 18371 (2021).
K. Oishi, S. Miyano, K. Kaski, and T. Shimada
“ Balanced-imbalanced transitions in indirect reciprocity dynamics on networks ”
Physical Review E Vol. 104, 024310 (2021).
- 黒田大地, 島田尚
“ 関西圏におけるCOVID-19の感染拡大率と外出人数の関係について ”
第26回交通流と自己駆動粒子系のシンポジウム論文集 (2020).
- 島田尚
“ 外出人数とCOVID-19 実効再生産数のScaling 関係による人-人接触項の検証 ”
第26回交通流と自己駆動粒子系のシンポジウム論文集 (2020).
- 島田尚, 大平徹
“ 一次元周期系上の採餌運動の拡散係数” 第25回交通流と自己駆動粒子系のシンポジウム論文集 ” .
第26回交通流と自己駆動粒子系のシンポジウム論文集 (2019).
F. Ogushi, J. Kertész, K. Kaski, and T. Shimada
Temporal inactivation enhances robustness in an evolving system
Royal Society Open Science Vol. 6, 181471 (2019).
N. Yoshioka, K. Terada, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Macroscopic fundamental diagram in simple street networks
Journal of Computational Social Science Vol. 1 (2019).
島田 尚, 村瀬洋介, 小串典子
生物物理 Vol. 58 (5), 241-244 (2018).
F. Ogushi, J. Kertész, K. Kaski, and T. Shimada
Enhanced robustness of evolving open systems by the bidirectionality of interactions between elements
Scientific Reports Vol. 7, 6978 (2017).
M. Masuko, T. Hiraoka, N. Ito, and T. Shimada
The effect of laziness in group chase and escape
Journal of Physical Society of Japan Vol. 86, 085002 (2017).
T. Tanabe, T. Shimada, N. Ito, and H. Nishimori
Splash detail due to a single grain incident on a granular bed
Physical Review E Vol. 95, 022906 (2017).
T. Hiraoka, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Order-disorder transition in repulsive self-propelled particle systems
Physical Review E Vol 94, 062612 (2017).
S. Nagumo, T. Shimada, N. Yoshioka, and N. Ito
The Effect of Tick Size on Trading Volume Share in Two Competing Stock Markets
Journal of Physical Society of Japan Vol 86, 014801 (2017).
N. Yoshioka, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Macroscopic fundamental diagram in simple model of urban traffic
Artificial Life and Robotics, DOI: 10.1007/s10015-016-0345-y (2016).
T. Shimada and F. Ogushi
A mean-field analysis of the simple model of evolving open systems
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 750, 012008 (2016).
A. Kuwabara, N. Yoshioka, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Drag force on two disks moving in a granular bed
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 750, 012018 (2016).
S. Nagumo, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
The effect of tick size on trading volume share in three competing stock markets
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 750, 012019 (2016).
島田 尚
シミュレーション学会誌 Vol. 34 No. 1, 「シミュレーションの世界」 (2016)
T. Shimada, Y. Murase, and N. Ito
Do Connections Make Systems Robust?: A New Scenario for the Complexity-Stability Relation
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and Simulation, plus Econophysics Colloquium 2014, p. 99-109 (2015).
Y. Murase, T. Shimada, N. Ito, and P. A. Rikvold
A Universal Lifetime Distribution for Multi-Species Systems
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and Simulation, plus Econophysics Colloquium 2014, p. 175-186 (2015).
T. Hiraoka, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Collective Dynamics of Pedestrians with No Fixed Destination
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and Simulation, plus Econophysics Colloquium 2014, p. 243-253 (2015).
- T. Shimada
A Universal Mechanism of Determining the Robustness of Evolving Systems
Mathematical Approaches to Biological Systems (Springer, 2015)
p. 95-117.
T. S. Komatsu, S. Matsumoto, T. Shimada and N. Ito
A glimpse of fluid turbulence from the molecular scale
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. Vol. 25, No. 8 (2014) 1450034.
T. Shimada
A universal transition in the robustness of evolving open systems
Scientific Reports Vol. 4, (2014) 4082.
K. Oishi, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Group formation through indirect reciprocity
Physical Review E Vol. 87, (2013) 030801 (R)
M. C. Münnix, T. Shimada, R. Schäfer, F. Leyvraz, T. H. Seligman,
Thomas Guhr, and H. Eugene Stanley
Identifying states of a financial market
Scientific Reports Vol. 2, (2012) 644.
- S. Matsumoto, F. Takagi, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Molecular dynamics simulation of ribosome jam
Computer Physics Communications Vol. 182, (2011) 1958-1960.
- Y. Murase, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
A simple model for skewed species-lifetime distributions
New Journal of Physics Vol. 12, (2010) 063021.
(Selected to the New Journal of Physics Best of 2010)
Y. Murase, T. Shimada, N. Ito and P. A. Rikvold
Random walk in genome space: a key ingredient of intermittent dynamics of community assembly
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, (2010) 663-672.
Y. Murase, T. Shimada, N. Ito and P. A. Rikvold
Effects of demographic stochasticity on biological community assembly on evolutionary time scales
Physical Review E Vol. E 81, (2010) 041908.
T. Shimada, D. Kadau, T. Shinbrot, and H. J. Herrmann
Swimming in Granular Media
Physical Review E, Vol. 80, (2009) 020301 (R).
(Featured in News & Views in Nature Physics Vol. 5, 2009)
Satashi Yukawa, T. Shimada, Fumiko Ogushi, and N. Ito
Nonequilibrium Microscopic Distribution of Thermal Current in Particle Systems
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 78, (2009) 023002.
(Selected as the Papers of Editors' Choice by JPSJ Editorial Boad)
T. Shimada, F. Ogushi, S. Yukawa, and N. Ito
Microscopic Energy Flux in Particle Systems and Nonlinear Lattices
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplment, No. 178 (2009) 100-106.
Y. Murase, T. Shimada, and N. Ito
Phase Diagram and Stability of Ecosystems
Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 13 (2009) 460-463.
T. Shimada and K. Aihara
A nonlinear model with competition between tumor cells and its application to intermittent androgen suppression therapy of prostate cancer
Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 214 (2008) 134-139
T. Shimada, F. Ogushi, and N. Ito
Distribution of Microscopic Energy Flux in Equilibrium State
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol.76, (2007) 075001
T. Shimada, Y. Murase, N. Ito, and K. Aihara
A simple model of evolving ecosystems
Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 11 (2007) 153-156.
T. Shimada
Simulational Study of the Multiple States in Hippocampal Slices
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XIX (2007) 115-118.
A. Kamikouchi, T. Shimada, and K. Ito
Comprehensive Classification of the Auditory Sensory Projections in the Brain of the Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Jounal of Comparative Neurology Vol. 499 (2006) 317-56.
T. Shimada, K. Kato, A. Kamikouchi, and K. Ito
Analysis of the distribution of the brain cells of the fruit fly by an automatic cell counting algorithm
Physica A Vol. 350 (2005) 144-149.
T. Shimada, K. Kato, and K. Ito
An image recognition algorithm for automatic counting of brain cells of fruit fly
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVII (I(ISBN 3-540-26564-3) (2004) 95.
N. Tanaka, T. Awasaki, T. Shimada and K. Ito
Integration of Chemosensory Pathways in the Drosophila Second-Order Olfactory Centers
Current Biology Vol. 14 (2004) 449-457.
T. Shimada, S. Yukawa and N. Ito
Life-span of Families in Fossil Data Forms q-exponential Distribution
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C, Vol. 14 (2003) 1267-1271.
T. Murakami, T. Shimada, S. Yukawa and N. Ito
Energy Transport in Multiphase System
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 72 (2003) 1049-1056.
T. Shimada, S. Yukawa and N. Ito
Self-organization in an ecosystem
Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 6 (2002) 78-81.
物性研短期研究会「物性研究における計算物理」報告書 (2000)
T. Shimada, T. Murakami, S. Yukawa, K. Saito and N. Ito
Simulational Study on Dimensionality Dependence of Heat Conduction
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 69 (2000) 3150-3153